A passionate response to Schoolies

My thoughts about schoolies
I don’t want my kids to go.
I want my kids to be social enough to want to go.
I don’t want my kids to drink alcohol or take drugs.
I won’t offer alcohol to my children before they go.
I think maybe I am silly not to offer them some alcohol before they go because at least then they will have an idea how having some alcohol feels.
I think it is much better controlled than when I went.
I love the fact that there are red frogs .
I don’t like the fact that there are many school leavers down there.
I don’t like the fact that it costs so much.
I don’t like the fact that parents pay for it – that to me shows that our children expect to be given to much.
Even if they did pay for it themselves I would not want them to go.
I suppose I will let my children go and hope that the things we have taught them will mean they behave in a responsible manner and ask for help if they need it.

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