Week Twenty One Monday’s Grateful List

Today I am grateful for the amazing cake my friend Victoria Lenton made Lucy for her birthday. 

Today I am grateful that I loved going and watching David race The Brisbane Kermesse yesterday. He raced really well. I was grateful that he raced safely. I was grateful that all the other boys and girls I knew raced safely. I was grateful that the rain stayed away until after David’s race. I was grateful that lots of people talked to me and told me how well I looked. I was grateful that Mum and Dad came down to watch and I think they really enjoyed the racing. 

Photo courtesy of Brisbane Kermesse powered by Tinelli. 

Today I am grateful Nicholas does not have a fractured hand. He hurt it yesterday and had X-rays this morning and it is just bruised! 

Today I am grateful that yesterday I went for a 3km run/walk. It really got my heart rate up and my lungs expanding! 

Today I am grateful that for the first time since the accident I found myself really wanting to be back on my bike yesterday. 


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