Week Twenty Six Tuesday’s Grateful List 

Today I am grateful for all the people who read my blog. 


So many people have told me they read my blog and that they get something out if it. I am grateful that in some small way my grateful blog is helping others. Here are some examples of the messages I have received:

  1. Hello Jen, Just wanted to let you know I’ve come across your blog. We havn’t seen each other for a while and I was sad to read about your accident. Your blog is a wonderful read and truely inspiring. We really don’t know what someone else is going through. I chose to leave after 20 years marriage v sad, but that is life we all have a journey – reading your blog helps. Take care and I will keep reading and being inspired by you. 
  2. Jenny – please continue, to write and get better. Life throws us curve balls and you are an inspiration. My sincere apologies for not getting to coffee – my news, I found a lump in my right breast – so quick round of Drs – tomorrow in to the Wesley for a lumpectomy and lymph node removal…..So – I read your blog with great interest and I take strength from your courage and strength.
  3. Hi Jen, today I was challenged with some feelings of sadness and loneliness but wanted to let you know that while driving home tonite I turned it around and thought about the things I am grateful for in my life. Your daily gratefulness has taught me this wonderful gift. Thank you! Hope you are feeling brighter and in less pain.

Since I have begun blogging others seem to be able to find more to be grateful about. I do not know whether I am more aware that others are grateful or if people that I am friends with are actually finding more things to be grateful about. It doesn’t really matter what the reason is – I am grateful that my friends seem to be able to articulate a more joyful life. 


Today I am grateful for all the messages I have received as a result of my blog. They are all so positive and encouraging and not only am I grateful but it has also helped in my emotional recovery. Thank you. Here are some examples of the messages I have received:

  1. I just read your blog entry from today. I really had never considered that you in any way contributed to the occurrence of your accident. I did not know that it was troubling you so much. I am really sorry that you have been struggling with that aspect of your recovery. Perhaps the psychological injuries are the hardest and most intangible to comprehend and resolve. The ‘what ifs’ and the ‘if onlys’.These are my thoughts: Accidents happen. Things happen that we wish we could have prevented, but sometimes we just can’t do that, and we can’t fix everything or make everything better, and we just have to accept. You were prepared and you were aware of the dangers of your ride and of cycling in general. Even the most skilful and professional of riders have accidents. I don’t think your accident should be in any way viewed with the thought that it was because of fault. It was a horrible terrible awful thing that happened, it was unfair and sad, but it wasn’t your fault and it wasn’t anyone else’s fault. Your family and your friends were so sad and upset, but that was because we all love you. No one ever for a moment thinks you were at fault. We think you are an incredibly brave and loving person, and I know that everyone who knows you holds you in such high esteem for how you have coped after your accident. You have been an inspiration. You and the way you have dealt with your accident and recovery has helped everyone else deal with it. You should be so proud, because this terrible awful thing that has happened to you has shown you and everyone else how strong and resilient and capable you are. I know you don’t always feel strong and resilient and capable and inspirational, but you are. Even on your down crappy shitty days. I love you Jen.
  2. Hi Jen, I just wanted to let you know that I think your recovery blogs are fabulous. I am so sorry about your accident. Sometimes it’s hard to stay positive and sunny when you have a long road ahead of you but you’re doing really well. I gave you a mention in my weekly update. I am 16 weeks post op but realistically looking at a year of recovery. I am on the bike again though which is lovely. Hugs Liz N http://fitterliz.com.au/project-liz-week-six-reframing-and-rolling/
  3. Great Blog ……it just is ! Xx

Today I am grateful that my story so far is an illustration that being positive can make a difference to recovery.


I have read so much about the positive effects of learning to be positive and practicing gratefulness. I truly believe that the daily practice I have had of recording five statements of what I am grateful about has helped my recovery to be a positive experience.  My recovery has been frustrating, painful and slow and there are elements of my life that will never be the same. By recording what I am grateful about I believe I have managed to stay positive and not dwell on the negative aspects of my recovery. I therefore truly believe in the benefits of being grateful because I have lived it. 


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